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Positive: Professionalism, Quality
I have been working out with Clifford for over 3 years. Over a 3 year period Clifford has helped me get my fitness levels completely back in check. I have lost over 60lbs working with him.
​In addition to the weight loss he has been more than a trainer but a true coach, dealing with my ups and downs that happen in life.
Lastly, because he is a mobile trainer you worry about if they will show. If the three years I have worked out with him (2 of those years being at 5am) he has never once missed a workout. The dedication and discipline he puts into his job is unmatched. I highly recommend him to anyone looking for a life changing fitness journey..


Kara Fugate - 5 star

In the months that I have been working with Clifford I have gained strength and muscle and seen a total transformation in my body. I never thought it would be possible for me to do even half of the things that I am now capable of when I go to the gym, but thanks to his expert training and constant encouragement I am stronger and more confident than ever. From our first session he has always listened to my goals and planned our workouts to help me towards achieving them. His knowledge and passion for fitness is infectious and I always look forward to our sessions (even on leg day!). He is a true fitness professional and is dedicated to helping all of his clients on their respective fitness journeys. The best trainer I have ever known and worked with, and by far the best investment I have ever made for my health


I don’t even know where to start! Cliff is an outstanding trainer and an even better person. He’s very caring towards his clients, and you can see his passion in personal training and his passion in bettering the lives of his clients every time he coaches. The knowledge he has in training and overall health is amazing. You can ask him why this muscle is tight, and he will know exactly why and educate you on how to better it. The knowledge he shares is knowledge I gain. And it’s not always about working out, sometimes it’s about life. He is full of wisdom. The workouts are challenging consistently but that’s because Cliff knows what I can do. There’s no fun in a trainer who doesn’t push you hard every time. In only 5 months I’ve already lost 40 pounds, feeling healthier and happier than ever. Extremely remarkable to be honest, but the accountability that I learned from Cliff helped me stay focused and still helps me say focused. I know this is a long paragraph but he deserves a book. If you’re thinking about starting personal training with him just stop thinking, pick up the phone and call him. You will not be disappointed whatsoever. Couldn’t be more thankful for a trainer like Cliff. What’re you waiting for?!


Sean Hooper - 5 star

One day I was in the gym, casually pushing some reps on the bench machine, and Clifford came up to me and asked me how bad I wanted to get into shape. After eight sessions, he changed the way I worked out forever. Yes, it was tough, but it gives results beyond anything I was doing before. I'm down 37kg now and everything is easier, better and more fun. I would recommend Clifford to anyone.


Many are called, few are chosen. Clifford is the standard from which one should truly question whether a Personal Trainer is right for you. The answer is always yes. Add the number of gym memberships or videos we have purchased over time and it still can not compare to the value of having Clifford in your corner as your instructor, mentor and coach. I am 45 years old and have been in martial arts and soccer for over 25 years. Clifford connects the dots for me on cardiovascular fitness, the right way to eat and the absolute necessity to hydrate on a daily basis. I had to retrain my mind and I am absolutely amazed with my results after 5 weeks of driving over 2 hrs /3 times a week to train with Coach Cliff, that he is truly a blessing and an artisan as a fitness coach . He will get you there . All you have to do is take that first step. " A mind is like a parachute, it only works when fully opened ."Coach Clifford the best is yet to come. Thank you for your undying love for people and helping them adopt a new lifestyle of healthy living


Cliff is great! I’m a mother of 3 kids and thought I would never be able to keep up with exercise. I am amazed and thrilled with my accomplishments. Could not have done it without his patience and great level of professionalism! I have worked out with him for 4 months and my energy, confidence has grown . My goal was to lose weight and to be able to do one push up . I am definitely on my way to losing the weight and already can do six pushups! I’m excited about what’s to come! Thanks Cliff!


Maria D. Villarreal - 5 star

I started boot camp fitness class with Cliff  and I've been doing personal training sessions with him since April. I will go ahead and tell you now, I have NEVER been able to run a mile in less than 13-15 mins EVER! Even in high school I always walked because I couldn't run. I'm a very curvy Latina and I have extra weight that I have carried around for years, partly due to thyroid and other health issues. So in saying that, I still find it hard to believe that in ONE months time Cliff pushed and encouraged me to a 9:53 min mile?!?! I have a long ways to go but I'm stronger each time I train with him. Working out is 100% part of my life now, where before hand I would just sit on the couch or lay in bed and do nothing. It just takes that determination way down inside to be successful. To any woman or man struggling with weight/health issues like me I will tell you this, Just try it, the worst thing that will happen is you quit. BUT remember this, when you want it BAD enough, you WILL make it through and become that MUCH STRONGER!!!!! I never thought I would say these words but I absolutely LOVE working out!!! My silhouette is on its way! Go get yours!! ❤❤❤ Cliff you are AWESOME!!!!!!


Clifford has truly changed my outlook on the way I live my life on every level. Making the choice to ask him to train me was one of the best decisions I have ever made. His knowledge and passion for fitness and a healthy lifestyle seems limitless. He makes me challenge myself when we work out and builds my confidence when I need a psychological boost as well.


We met Clifford 2 years ago on October 12th, I know this well as it was the day after my 48th birthday. My wife wanted to go on this "hike" on the Inca Trail in Peru to Machu Picchu, I wasn't kidding myself I knew I was not in shape and had never actually worked out in my life. I knew I had some aches and pains from multiple car/motorcycle accidents and never really have been kind to my body, little did I know how bad it really was. So after talking with my wife we decided that some training would be a necessity.
This is were we met Clifford through reading some reviews of Personal Trainers that came to this area, just by appearance he was quite intimidating, I thought what have I gotten myself into?? All I could think is the Sargent from Full Metal Jacket.
So we got started, and boy I had no idea, we started with basics like lunges and squats, I could do neither, and barely a walking lunge with no weight. We realized very quickly I had way more deficiencies than I had ever realized. Gratefully so, Clifford's education is much more than exercise fitness, his education in exercise correction and deficiencies far exceeds anything I could have imagined. There has been many frustrating sessions (where apologies were in order), times I felt like I could not go further and forget it all, and times where I hurt so bad I considered is this even worth it.
Through thick and thin it has been 2 years now, I am turning 50 tomorrow, I feel better than I ever have in my life, we completed the hike that took us from an elevation of 9,000ft up to 14,000ft and then down to 6,000ft. We continue to workout with Clifford and I continue to improve in my mobility and flexibility, the deficiencies are still there to much lesser degree and I can see improvements continually. My sleep was disturbed almost every night with hip/joint pain which is almost does not exist today. I used walk with my right leg almost always "pegged" (straight with no joint bends) because of pain and poor compensations, I walk with more of spring in my step. I have lost 32 lbs not accounting for the muscle built, so probably more in fat as many people say how lean I look.
Clifford is very attuned to when we need to regress or progress in our workouts as he monitors our body language very thoroughly to the workout. I owe a debt of gratitude to Clifford and that he was placed in our lives at the time he was, on some many levels this could have really gone wrong and it has been nothing short of a blessing.
The first picture is my wife and I the day we reached Machu Picchu, the 2nd is Mother’s Day this year 2019, the last is 2yrs ago today 10-10-2017 2 days prior to this journey to be health and fitness.

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